This letter is expected from all applicants for the visa processing, it highlights the purpose why you are applying for a study visa. It must be addressed to the visa consular. This letter must be correctly written and convincing enough for consideration.


This a mandatory stage towards studying overseas, it must be thoroughly and adequately conducted as any misguided act could mar the entire process. The first step required is to fill and complete the application online. You will be required to upload your passport with specified expiration date. You will also be expected to print out all preliminary pages as you proceed in the application.

Applicants will be Scheduled to promptly attend an interview at the embassy or the consulate after which the payment for the specified country will be made.  Candidates must adequately prepare for this interview as any incorrect answer provided can ruin the chance of getting your visa approved.


  1. International Passport
  2. Academic Transcripts
  3. All notary copies of all school certificates
  4. Letter of intention
  5. Fund Sponsor clarification.

Once you have successfully passed the visa application stage, the next process is to proceed to make reservation for lodging, flight and other necessary arrangements at least a month before departure date. The exact location, climate and available fund should be the major factors to influence your choice hotel or airline travel.

Steps to make reservations;

  • Contact home embassy at your choice country for all necessary requirements
  • Take time to search through the directories to get affordable or your choice hotel close to the college’s location
  • Make flight bookings
  • Print all forms as you proceed
  • Make necessary travel arrangements and await departure date.